Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm Sorry..

Okay, Nicky.. Look.. I'm sorry for last night it was all my fault. I wasn't fucking thinking about anything I said before I said it and because of that we got in a fight last night. That dream I had means nothing to me. I didn't have that dream because I wanted to babe. I understand it made you upset but it didn't happen in real life and it never will. Because I'm only staying with you forever, I don't want to be with anyone else ever.. it just makes me sick thinking about being with someone else.. Last night you said to me "Would a promise even matter if you were going to dump me anyways?" It breaks my heart when you say you think I'm going to break up with you. I mean after everything I've said to you since we've been dating? Everything we've been through? Nicky, I'm not just you're girlfriend anymore.. You have to remember you did ask me to marry you and I remember saying yes, you know why I said yes? Because I love you and you mean everything to me, you're my whole world and you mean even more then that to me.. Without I'm nothing. You're my everything and I love everything about you, ever since the first day I met you. You were an amazing friend, and now look.. I'm engaged to you. (:
Look I love you more then I love anything or anyone else in this whole world.. The love I have for you is stronger then anything in this universe. I wish I could explain my love for you but I can't that's how deep my love is for you.. If I could just prove to you somehow how much I love you.. I wish I could, I really do..
What I'm trying to say is no matter what people say or try to do, or whatever happens to make us fight or weather you think I'm going to break up with you or whatever you're thinking and whatever I'm thinking. Everything will be fine. It always is, you know why everything always works out for us? Because I love you and you love me.. And together we always get through everything that's been going on between us. It's because we really do love eachother. (:
And if we didn't we wouldn't be together and we would have broken up our first fight..
I know we haven't been together long, but it's almost 5 months and I think that's enough for me to realize that you're the one for me. And you're the one I'm spending the rest of my life with. (:
I hope I get to see you today, I would keep writing but the rest I'll say to you when we hang out.
And I have an idea and I'm going to ask my mom if she can take me to the store.
I wanna get you something. :3
So I'll let you sleep and I'll call you later baby.
Just remember that I love you, and I mean it.. It's not just puppy love. It's true love..
I love you, Nicky. I really do and I always will.
Forever&Always. <3
I'm yours. (:

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